ESG Academy

Jacinda Ardern urges world leaders to act on climate change: 'Nothing to fear'

Jacinda Ardern urges world leaders to act on climate change: 'Nothing to fear'

Jacinda Ardern urges world leaders to act on climate change: 'Nothing to fear'

Well I think then it's a matter of saying that you don't have to cede power by acting on climate change.

There's nothing to fear about your individual political status.

Actually, this is about being on the right side of history. Do you want to be a leader that you look back in time and say that you were on the wrong side of the argument when the world was crying out for a solution.

No. And it's as simple as that I think.

Yeah. Well said. Well said.

Sir David I'm gonna ask you the same question I asked the Prime Minister.

If you could…...if you could have a heart-to-heart with a head of state who is not yet doing anything on this, what would you say?

Think of the children. Think of the children. Think of your children and your children's children and what we are doing to the planet at the moment.
想想孩子,想想孩子,想想你的孩子和你孩子的孩子, 和我們現在正在對地球做的事情。

And could you look them in the eye and say a new one could be done to stop the degradation of the environment and of the climate.

But it was too difficult and rather boring.

Yeah. And I failed to do it.

And you, are owed to take the consequences. 


Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. Jacinda Ardern urges world leaders to act on climate change: 'Nothing to fear' . The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns.

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