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Volkswagen Emissions Scandal in Numbers

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal in Numbers

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal in Numbers

Volkswagen has a rocky road ahead, the company’s admissions that is used software to manipulate the results of emission testing to sidestep pollution standards in millions of cars has rocked the automaker.

And the figures involved are pretty staggering.

As Vogelswagen begans cleaning up its emission scandal, here’s a  look of the story so far, in numbers.

Nearly  11 million vehicles have the defeat devices, and five of Volkswagen’s 12 brands are affected.

This includes 5 million Volkswagen cars, 2.1 million Audis, 1.8 million Volkswagen trucks, 1.2 million of the check of public brand Skoda, and 700 thousand spanish Seat.

So where are these cars?

There are 2.8 million in Germany, another 1.2 million in the UK.

France has 900 thousand, Spain has 684 thousand,  Italy has 648 thousand, and the US has about 482 thousand.

The recalls are expected to be in January, and the wake of the scandle, VW share prices fell roughly 40%.

Financially, Volkswagen has set aside about 7 billion dollars of potential damages, but the new CEO said this will not be enough.

US official said they could face sizeable penalty about up to $37,500 per car, or more than 18 billion in total.

Though, analyst said they may not have to pay that much.

VW has about 28 billion dollars in cash reserves.

The implications of the scandle go beyond the company.

Volkswagen’s Germany’s largest corporation, for many, it is Germany Inc.
對於許多人來說,Germany Inc.是福斯汽車在德國最大的公司。

In generated almost 227 billion dollars in revenue last year, VW employs about 600,000 people worldwide, and nearly 300,000 employees in Germany at 29 plants across the country.

Every 7 job in Germany is linked to the nation export oreinted auto industry.

Volkswagen Chief executive Matthias Müller so the company would try to avoid job cuts.
福斯汽車的首席執行長Matthias Müller 表示所以公司會避免減少工作機會。

But warned all projects in the company’s investment plants of over 73 billion dollars were under reviewed.

According to a person president at VW supervisory board meeting, Hans Dieter Pötsch, chairman of the supervisory board.
根據監督委員會的相關人士,監察委員會主席Hans Dieter Pötsch表示。

So the scandal had punched the company into a crisis that threatened the existence of the company.

But added, he was confidence Volkswagen will survive the world crisis in its 78 years history.


Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. Volkswagen Emissions Scandal in Numbers . The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns.

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