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Nasdaq's ESG Investments Insights

Nasdaq's ESG Investments Insights

Nasdaq's ESG Investments Insights

Hi my name is Nikolaj Kosakewitsch and I'm the President of Nasdaq Copenhagen.
大家好,我是Nikolaj Kosakewitsch也是納斯達克哥本哈根的總裁

In Denmark we have a popular ethos called “Rettidig Omhu,” it means taking constant care of your business
在丹麥,我們有個著名的價值觀稱 “Rettidig Omhu”,它的意思是時常關注你的事業

That's how we see ESG 

It's a type of investing that gives back to both the company and coming generations 

We invited leaders of the Danish government and investors to discuss how the financial sector can help achieve the UN sustainable development goals and clearly climate action and clean energy

Here's what they have to say 

In 2019 the major trend is more and better, more data, better data, more integration, better integration of ESG considerations in investment, more transparency and better quality of that information 

Interest is growing, the information provided is growing and I think we will see it going a lot more into actual investment decisions 

I think if you don't see a private financial discussion about this you will end up having politicians adapt seeing laws that will force companies to go into this and that's not a win-win

That that's probably gonna be a lose-lose so I think next act is a front-runner on starting discussion I think it's very very positive 

Stay home investments is becoming more and more mainstream but it's still not always their default option for a lot of people 

Hopefully I will be the case in in 10 years and we will see investors that actually first of all set a lot higher standard for the investments they choose, and secondly also a range of other options on the sustainable investment agenda that will occur in DC today


Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. Nasdaq's ESG Investments Insights . The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns.

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