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Watch one Lyft investor make the case that it is superior to Uber

Watch one Lyft investor make the case that it is superior to Uber

Watch one Lyft investor make the case that it is superior to Uber

Joining us right now is Quin Garcia. 
現在加入我們的是Quin Garcia。

He’s managing director and co founder at Autotec Ventours.That’s a VC firm devoted to the mobility space and fact the firm was an early investor in LYFT and Quin currently serves on LYFT’s advisory board.
他是Autotech Ventures的總經理以及創始人之一。公司專注於移動性空間的創業投資,此公司為來福車的早期投資者,目前Quin身任於來福車諮詢委員會一員

Quin i’m guessing you are a LYFT only guy since your on the LYFT board and not somebody who would invest in both of these.Is that correct?

Yes that is correct.

I’m not an investor in Uber and i’m only mildly biased.

Only mildly. 

Let’s talk a little bit about  what the comparison is between these two companies.Why do you think LYFT have the upper hand on Uber?

LYFT is a founder led company first of all which has cultural implication.

It’s a pure play on consumer transport in North America.Uber’s business has been much more diverse than LYFT.

Both in term of geography they have their culture in ups and downs but also in terms of product lining extension.So LYFT is focused on giving people rides.

Where’s Ubers’ been they done kitten delevery.They had air taxi.There’re all over the world since they retracted from some of those different geography outside North America

Quin, if you look at the market though the idea that’s LYFT all the way down to 56 dollars a share

The market may be saying differently and in fact one of the things that potential investors sometimes note is that they want the diversity.They want the Uber Eats.They want the other things that are in that. 

What’s your response?

I think there’s pros and cons to both approaches. 

You could argue make an argument in favor of in diverse of location in terms of geography and product road map.But you can also make an argument in terms of focusing in on North American market.

And focusing on consumer rides actually ends up providing a better experience for users and for drivers.

What‘s the argument for anybody investing in either one of these companies?
When the losses been so massive,I think Uber lost A billion dollars and a quarter LYFT lost a billion dollars in the most recent year before they when public so.

What’s the idea when nobody can make any money on this? And you have a big competitor who’s there to beat you up.How do you eventually become profitable?

Yeah it’s pretty common for tech companies to start out unprofitable.And what their often doing and also is the case here is they’re spending for growth. 

It’s not just a zero sum game in the right share market.Both companies are tempting to expand the overall size of the market and they successfully done that. 

People often make that commentary.They point to a company like Amazon they say they started with losses 

Lisley Picker went back and did the math.Uber is starting with combine losses to this point with 8 billion dollars.Amazon started when it went public with 6 million dollars in losses.How do you make those comparisons and say this is still a good deal at a handful?
Lisley Picker回頭做了計算,目前為止優步已經損失了將近80億元,最初亞馬遜在上市後僅虧損60億。在這樣的對比下你如何堅持這依舊是個好投資?

So we’re not investing now.

We’re early stage ventor investors in mobility,right?

So we’re not a hedge fund.

If i knew how the stock was gonna behave,I might open my own hedge fund  

But one of the reasons why we invested into the LYFT is the companies capital efficient.So the fact the companies been so focused on North America’s rideshare and so focused on partnering.

They haven’t tried to develop everything on their own.They’ve rather partner with a party with variety with external parties and leverage strength of other folks as well.lSo we like that capital efficiency

Quin this is a pretty straightforward question.

Was it price wrong left?We would having a much different conversation about LYFT  at 56 and a half dollars if it got priced at 62.Then where was priced where ran up to em where it is now?
Personally i think they did a phenomenal job with the IPO. I think it was priced right. I think as an assistant investor they wanted to go out they wanted to raise.At a certain price they wanted to raise a certain amount of capital ,and they achieve that 


Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. Watch one Lyft investor make the case that it is superior to Uber The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns.

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