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What Is the World Bank and What Does It Do?

What Is the World Bank and What Does It Do?

What Is the World Bank and What Does It Do?


We're talking about one of the world's most powerful institutions with a total portfolio of almost 400 billion dollars.

It's one of the world's largest sources of funding for developing countries and it has a triple-a credit rating.
對於發展國家來說是世界上數一數二資金來源,並且有最高債卷信用評級: AAA。

We are of course talking about the World Bank.

But the question is what exactly is the World Bank and what does it do.

The World Bank was created in 1944 in response to the second world war.

Since so many countries were shattered by the war, the organization was established to try to help with the reconstruction and development of these countries and to reduce global poverty.

The intention was to provide temporary loans to low-income countries which were unable otherwise to get these loans on their own.

Since that point in time at the World Bank has now taken on over 13,500 projects with total lending commitments over this time of over a trillion dollars.

Now, although the World Bank clearly has the word Bank in its name, it's not your typical style of bank.

I think this can best be seen if we take a look at its mission which is to end extreme poverty and to promote a shared prosperity.

The main focus is therefore shifted from reconstruction after the war to development of countries in areas such as roads, electrical infrastructure and irrigation systems.

Now essentially the World Bank is an international organization with 189 member countries.

These member countries are referred to as shareholders since they actually hold shares in the organization.

The number of shares that our country owns will depend on the fees that they've paid to the World Bank and those fees will largely depend on the size of the economy. 

These shares that are owned by the countries translates into voting power.

I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of one share counting for one vote similar to a company.

And this is for most of the organizations that make up the World Bank Group that one share will equal one vote.

So this means that the U.S. has the largest voting power with 15.85 percent.

This is then followed by Japan with 6.84 percents. 

That's a big gap.

And then China, Germany and the UK and France are quite equal with each other.

Now something that you may have picked up on there is that China is obviously a huge economy but they only have a relatively small percentage of the boats and shares.

One of the big reasons for this is that they were actually one of the big beneficiaries of the lending.

They were a borrower rather than a lender.

Although that seems to now be changing a bit and that's partly thanks to the U.S. which strongly objected to so much money being lent to China.

And you know what the U.S. says and things about the World Bank is going to be very influential.

First of all, books they obviously own the most shares and voting power but also because of something else as well.

You see the board of directors for the bank consists of a president and 25 executive directors and that president has traditionally always been an American.

And this is due to an informal agreement that was made when the organization was established.

So basically the World Bank and the IMF, the International Monetary Fund's, were both created as part of the Bretton Woods Agreement.

And following this agreement, an informal agreement was made which is that the U.S. would choose the head of the World Bank and Europe would choose the head of the IMF.

So it sounds kind of fair, right?

So that's why the president is usually always going to be an American.

The World Bank group consists of five international organizations.

When people refer to the World Bank rather than the World Bank Group, they usually reference just two of these which are the IBRD and the IDA.
當人們談到世界銀行而非世界銀行集團,他們通常會聯想到 IBRD和IDA。

So the IBRD stands for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

For a poverty-stricken country, this institution offers an invaluable service.

You see these countries would really struggle to take on a traditional loan since it would be practically impossible with interest payments being extremely high.

Instead, the World Bank has step in and really helped them out with this. 

The World Bank has one of the strongest triple-a ratings with the credit rating agencies.

Thanks to the fact that their death instruments are backed up by the capital commitments of the member countries and the fact that they have large financial reserves.

This means that they can borrow money from the capital markets relatively cheaply, mainly through sell-off bonds which are known as World Bank bonds and then channel this money through to developing countries at an extremely low interest rates.

Making borrowing more affordable for these countries that really need it. 

And in fact, the rate is usually below the rate that the bank is paying to its bondholders.

So to offset this, there will also sometimes lend money at a higher rate to more wealthy countries who will pay a higher rate of interest.

The second institution I mentioned the IDA is the International Development Association.

This is similar to the one that we just discussed.

Except this agency works with the really poorest countries.

Like to be in this group,  the country must have an average income per person otherwise known as per-capita income below 885 dollars per year.

Now let's put that in perspective. 

In the U.S., the per capita income is around 60,000 dollars per year.

So you can see there's a huge gap there.

Now the countries in this group can receive interest-free loans or grants.

And in many cases, the borrower country may not even have to start repayment until 10 years after the loan has been issued.

The final three agencies out of the five are less well known.

And these include The International Finance Corporation, which promotes growth through financing private sector investments.

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, which helps to promote foreign investment by protecting investors from losses through guarantees.

And finally The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, which deals with disputes between foreign investors and host countries.

In 2018, the banks lending commitments were 47 billion dollars.

However, it's not just about lending big amounts of money. 

The bank also offers advice and expertise in an attempt to tackle a range of issues including agriculture, education, climate change, conflicts, food security, trade, finance.

The bank has a twin goal: the first one, being to end extreme poverty by the year 2030.

And the second one, being to boost the shared prosperity of the poorest 40 percent of the population in all countries.

Now that obviously all sounds great.

But actually the World Bank has also got his own controversies and criticisms as well.

There have been allegations of corruption in some cases and criticisms of the way they operates which some people believe causes harmful effects.

Some analysis shows that they actually increased poverty in some cases and were detrimental to the environment, public health and diversity as well as pushing an agenda which in some cases imposes damaging policies.

Now one particular critic who's received a lot of media attention especially recently is David Malpass who president Trump has nominated to be the next head of the World Bank.

He's been crisco of many aspects which include the World Bank's huge loans to China rather than to countries that cannot secure the capital elsewhere.

And what he believes to be a lack of accountability in the organization.

However rather than burning the world bank to the ground or undermining it as some people have been sensationally suggesting Malpass may do based on his previous criticisms.

I think it's much more likely that he will attempt to reform the World Bank which may actually be good for the long-term future of this very powerful institution.

So guys that was a brief overview of the World Bank and what it does. 

I hope you found it useful and if you did I'd really appreciate it if you hit that thumbs up button!

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Don't forget to check the description box for links to extra content that will boost your economic knowledge.

And I will see you in the next video.

Thanks a lot for watching!


Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. What Is the World Bank and What Does It Do? The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns

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