# Publicly Traded Company

英文年報別再用 Google 翻譯,分流上班英文是 Ability to stagger employee shifts,依據美國 CDC 的官方名詞

分流上班英文?Ability to stagger employee shifts

分流上班英文?Ability to stagger employee shifts。來自美國 CDC 的官方說法。

章程英文 Charters,不是 Google 翻譯的 Bylaws

章程英文  Charters,不是 Google 翻譯的 Bylaws。依據 Apple Inc。 


  • legislate charters.  例句:在眾議院,規則委員會指導制定法律 In the House, a Rules Committee guides legislation.
  • Making. 例句:法案是正在製定中的法律 Bills are laws in the making.

設立委員會英文是 the committee was created by


  • Founded. United States Congress was founded in March 4, 1789 which is 232 years ago. 
  • Created. The Congress was created by the Constitution of the United States.

負責在英文年報中,使用 in charge or accountability

負責在英文年報中,使用 in charge or accountability。

Google 翻譯成 Responsible,感覺是你做錯事,要對這件事負責才會用  Responsible。 不正確。

公司治理的道地英文就 Governance 或 Leadership and Governance,台灣上市企業詭異的台式翻譯 corporate governance

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