#ESG:Environmental/Social/Governance SASB

SASB 與 IIRC 發布聯合意向聲明

The image is mockup scenes.

SASB 和 IIRC 計劃在 2021年夏季合併的最新公告。FSA證書中的概念已被編寫,以反映 SASB 和 IIRC 雙方在《共同努力實現綜合性公司的聯合意向聲明》中已同意的概念。

The curriculum also acknowledges the recent announcement that SASB and IIRC intend to merge in Summer 2021. The concepts in the FSA Credential have been written to reflect concepts that both IIRC and SASB have agreed to in the joint Statement of Intent to Work Together Towards Comprehensive Corporate Reporting. The merger will not impact your registration.

Source and copyright beblogs to SASB 與 IIRC

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