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Nasdaq TradeTalks: Growing Influence in ESG Investing

Nasdaq TradeTalks: Growing Influence in ESG Investing

Nasdaq TradeTalks: Growing Influence in ESG Investing

Good afternoon.

Welcome to Nasdaq trade talks to my host Jill Malandrino global markets reporter at Nasdaq.
歡迎來到"納斯達克"的貿易談判秀,我是Jill Malandrino,"納斯達克"的全球市場記者

We have a special panel for you on tap today about the growing influence of ESG investing.

Joining me at markets light today, we have Evan Harvey, he's the director of corporate responsibility at NASDAQ.
加入我們的是Evan Harvey,"納斯達克"的企業社會責任董事

And we also have from FTSE Russell Alec young, he's a managing director of global markets research, and Tony Campos is a director of sustainable investment.
以及來自富時中國50的Alec young,他是全球市場研究的董事總經理和永續投資的董事, Tony Campos

Gentlemen, thank you for joining us at market sight today.

Alec I'd like to kick it off with you. 

Why is there such a big trend right now, what are the macro factors leading up into this push for ESG investing?

Sure, Jill it's great to be with you.

I think there's several high-level kind of global macroeconomic forces that are driving increased ESG adoption among investors. 

The first thing would probably be just just shifting social norms with with some younger people globally Millennials different social priorities.

We're seeing increasing regulation shifts that are that are more open to incorporating. 

You know environmental social governance concepts.

We're also seeing technology and data, availability really increasing and those are things you really need in order to evaluate companies in terms of ESG. 

You need access to information and the the incredible improvements that we're seeing in technology and ability to harness and interpret data are really also enabling increasing ESG adoption.

And finally I think climate change is definitely a factor that people I think increasingly recognized.

So to a certain extent there's a certain amount of societal inevitability about ESG
investing, especially when you're thinking about long time frames 20-30 years.

I think it's hard to envision going about you know investing without any thought for free ESG. 

I don't see the same question as well because this is what you do for us it is like how have you seen the industry evolved or even just the past 5-10 years.

Well I think that we're seeing on the company side in addition to what Alec is or I mentioned
has some other drivers that are bringing ESG to the forefront in terms of company management

But you've got this rise of this new kind of manager of companies where they're data-driven they're looking at new signals and performance things that are sort of outside the traditional bubble. 

And so that's where yes she fits into their mindset and then you've also got this emergence of this discipline around enterprise risk and board management of enterprise risk and increasingly you're finding companies that have oversight for climate change in particular.

But other social and governance matters at the board level so they're including sustainability and ESG in that oversight role. 

Tony Howard, ESG factors screens how are they being added to market benchmarks as it's
continued to evolve. 
Tony Howard,持續改變中的ESG投資該如何被納入市場指標?

Yeah, I mean I think certainly asset owners in particular are looking at this issue and there's a common perception that sort of Europe is leading and driving on this. 

I think Asia and North America are certainly following quite closely and and increasing their attention in the area.

One of those areas is around benchmark creation and passive adoption so certainly among the largest asset owners there's a huge amount of passive assets.

And I think traditionally, ESG integration, may have been thought about as a an active manager integration pursuit.

So looking at more information factors some of the data and technology drivers that Alec was referring to. 

But on the passive side, there's a way to build some of this information into benchmark construction.

And both of the purposes of benchmarking but for passive allocations.

So you can actually in the same way that you might reweighed or seek exposure to specific risk factors, you can do the same from an ESG perspective. 

So the techniques and sophistication with which investors are looking at that is sort of improving everyday. 

Well, let's go back to you and talk about some of the myths around sustainable investing what are what are some of them about that. 

Sure, there's definitely some common misperceptions out there.

One is that it's quite a narrow space and that all the companies are in the sort of green energy area but when we really look at you know especially a lot of the environmental
aspects of ESG investing, we're seeing a lot of diversity across cap sizes.

So it's not just small caps or mid caps large caps there's good breadth across all of them.

When we look at the sectoral representation of a lot of these these factors, we're seeing that is quite deep if we look at the on the market cap of all of what we would call green economy type of sectors.

So all of the you know environmentally you know companies that we score in an environmental basis and we compare that to the market cap of broad indices we're finding that grouping is competitive with you know things like retail and a lot of really large established businesses. 

So I think the opportunity set is more diverse than people think it's larger than people think and it's more global.

It's definitely not unique to any one region so I think those are probably some of the big myths that are out there.

Tony, I have imaged that company  is really focus on ESG outperform others that don't do, you see that within the ETF set that focus on ESG or the indexes that they outperform relative to companies that don't focus on government's?

Yeah so, there's definitely a you know a range of performance outcomes where we've seen
some of the strongest out performance and in fact as Alec was referencing.

Some of the environmentally formatic benchmarks that we calculate that either, focus on subsets of the universe that look at companies bringing green solutions to the market, or integrating sort of, let's call it a wide range of climate oriented strategies.

into both their operational risk management, as well as their product offering, strong our performance across all variations of those. 

So, one of the important things to keep in mind here is that there's a range of approaches.

When we talk about ESG sustainable investment, there's all sorts of different ways investors might actually implement those strategies, ranging from stewardship and engagement through to exclusionary or divestment focused strategies, through to more integrated holistic approaches to, that are a bit more subtle.

In the way you might incorporate some of the weightings and allocations.

And certainly, in the green thematic, we see a out performance across all of those approaches.

Well, I mean there certainly is desire out there investors want to be part of the ESG movement.
恩,我認為天下的投資者都渴望參與ESG 運動

So you think there's more pressure on public companies to disclose how they're managing, their ESG strategy?
所以你覺得公眾公司會面臨需要公開自家管理 ESG 策略的壓力嗎?

Yes, certainly I think it mostly comes from investors right now.

There's some regulatory pressure in Europe and Asia if we as we mentioned.

But it mostly comes from investors.

Traditionally, it's been ESRI space and the ESG thematic space, but now it's mainstream like watch Blackrock and other investment institutions that talk about this pretty prominently.
以往來說都是ESRI、 ESG空間為主但現在的主流變成觀望貝萊德和其他投資機構大量地談論這些議題

But then there's also these other drivers in the space that are affecting companies, too at the operational level, supply chain, they're being increasingly pressured to disclose on the ESG or to qualify for business and to win bids on contracts.

There's some data providers or trying to clean up the space and get better cleaner calculation methodologies for the metrics that we actually drive decision-making.

And then, last but not least, we don't want to forget the social capital piece of this.

There's a piece of this that appeals directly to current and prospective employees, and so the talent war for that talent is increasingly hedged on ESG performance.

Right, I think it's interesting that when you talk about talent is being driven to that space as well, what are some of the parameters when you look at a company to decide the base or well, on the ESG map, right?

Because it's easy to say, look we focus on ESG, but how do you dive deep when you do that analysis that? What you do in fact score well on these models?

I would say we start with a perspective that we should be clear about what we're assessing.

There's a difference between company's operational impacts and risk, from an ESG perspective, and the impact of their products from an ENS perspective.

So you could imagine a solar panel company, for example, where you would say well clearly that's a clean product that has an environmental benefit.

But the way in which they manufacture that product may not necessarily have strong environmental standards or social or governance practices.

So, from our perspective, we want to separate those two things.

Look at them through each respective lens, and then work with each client that we may engage with around.

You know, what are your preferences? What are your overall objectives? How can we align this with your wider investment beliefs?
你的喜好是什麼? 你的整體目標是什麼? 我們該如何將它們容納進你的投資理念?

And the resulting approach then is, are you going to be quite, let's say exclusionary in the way you might take a binary decision to include or exclude companies based on your preferences?

Or do you want to be more nuanced? 

Try and maintain broad market exposure, try and achieve an investment experience similar to, let's say, the underlying index universe but reweight within that using some of the characteristics that we might take from either side the product side or the operational side.

We demand that certainly there are you seeing translate into flows or people like putting their money where their mouth is.

Yeah absolutely, I think you know from two dimensions.

I think it's fair to say institutional is sort of leading on this, and we see particularly some of the largest assets globally.

But retail will be very very quick to follow both in breath and level of sophistication, I think it's fair to say.

And in fact, adopting many of the sort of learnings and techniques that the institutional space maybe have refined over the years?

Well, let's go back to you, Alec.

Do you think that this is simply a trend or something that's gonna be long-term and sustainable?

No, I think this is very much long-term and sustainable.

And maybe going back to some of those drivers that I mentioned earlier, things like increasing technological power and access to data, those are the kinds of things that are gonna make refining the way you can screen companies easier and easier to do.

And obviously, climate change I think is a long-term imperative.

So no, I don't see this going away if anything.

I think eventually, you're gonna be able to do to a ESG oriented index, what you can do to a cap weighted index today so you could look at low volatility ESG or high beta ESD, or high dividend-paying.

So, I think it'll all evolve and eventually, I think the Russell 1000 or the Russell 2000 or the S&P 500.

Those indices will all be ESG.

I think you won't be able to have a broad market index in 30 or 40 years that doesn't incorporate a lot of these facts.

It's almost like if you want to be global asset manager, you have to be onboard, right?

So, it's like unless you have a clear ESG strategy, you're just not gonna be a part of the index, or you're not gonna be in festival.

Well, I think at the end of the day investment decision-making will be incorporating these issues, right?

I mean all of this is about a broadening out of our conceptual expectation and understanding of risk and opportunity for individual companies and at the portfolio level.

I don't really think it's any longer acceptable to close your eyes and ears to the potential that there's financial risk, material financial risk, from ENS factors.

Now, the challenge lies in figuring out for you, either as a fund manager, or as an overall financial institution.

What are those risk factors and how are they relevant to you because that's not there's not one uniform answer there.


But it means that through all these enablers like better technology and more data improved disclosure, we'll be able to continue to improve our answers to those questions.

Right, and Evan that's the question I want to follow up with you.
恩,Evan 關於這點我想問你一下

What are some of the challenges facing companies in providing data to show yesterday compliance?

Well, first and foremost, time, resources, money, I mean all the things you hear about expertise in-house whether they have the expertise to interpret the data signals and perform and report on them.

A lot of companies are confused or unsure about which reporting channels are legitimate, and actually derive value for the for the firm and which ones are sort of more esoteric.

Companies at all ends of the chain of being beset with questionnaires and requests for data from lots of different institutions and some have more low-end or more impact than others.

And I think also, there's a sense that the business case is still a little bit unproven for companies.

Companies want to report, they want to get rewarded by investors for reporting good performance, but they have not necessarily been put at the front of class right yet.

So, there's a certain sort of hesitancy about whether or not the VSU performance actually is correlating in terms of some of these investor dynamics that they really want.

Right, so what are some of the solutions that we're working on to help companies make these decisions?

Constant engagement on the business case, so trying to draw the line between ESG performance disclosure and connections with investors, connections with stakeholders, connections with talent, all those kinds of things that have a bottom line impact.

Constantly trying to tinker with and improve the calculation methodology so that everything we do is based on data.

There's a data performance metric for all of these things that it is measurable and trendabl over time.

This isn't just a do you have a policy or don't have a policy, this isn't a good feeling, this is something about actually generating returns that are based on facts.

It's amazing how everything just comes back to data.

And I think increasingly, the way that this has worked or I should say historically the way that this has worked is we're looking at by and large nonuniform voluntarily reported information, right?

Companies are the source of the information that's being analyzed.

One of the pressures that will compel them to improve both the quantity and quality of that disclosure, is the fact that other data sources will increasingly feed into investor views.

And the companies will want to be able to control that narrative a bit more firmly.

And to be able to say, actually, we don't want you getting your data from another source that is sort of either a media source or some other industry report, we want you to be coming to us.

And therefore, the pressure will be to make sure that it's very valid.

Exactly, who's sanctioning this report or where is it coming from?

In regulatory trends to Tony's point are shifting and that's one of the things that's going to compel companies to disclose more.

I know on the ballot next week in Oregon is pricing carbon.

They would be the first state to do that.

I think eventually, that'll be globally Universal and that'll be a big imperative.

Where there's a capitalist incentive to start that's more strictly on the environmental side doesn't really have much to do with social and governance.

But speaking environmentally pricing carbon can be a very big catalyst and that's a regulatory shift something that governments require and that will force companies to really take this increasingly serious and to disclose a lot more data.

And it'll allow investors to to screen much more effectively because they'll have the government requiring a lot of this.

From the capital markets perspective, is ESG reporting regulated at this point or is it still arbitrary?

In some places, there are some exchange rules around it in different parts of the world.

There's an EU non-reporting financial directive that trips up some US companies but it's mostly     your companies there's Asian corporate governance directives and disclosure rules around annual report that Terkel content you have to put in there.

But it is still fairly wide open, certainly wide open in the US.

Right, like was to determine what your partner in ESG, you fit that model for exactly health care, is there a lot of health care actually in ESG or?
恩,像是決定你的環境、社會和公司治理夥伴並試圖容納醫療保健服務, ESG投資有包含醫療保健服務嗎

Well, again it depends on the different dimensions that that you do want to look at.

And I think we're from a disclosure sort of rationale and argument point.

The main emphasis is around materiality, right?

So, the infrastructure and the regulations are already in place that companies should be reporting material risks to their shareholders and the market more widely, right?

So, then it's really about to Evan’s point, making the case that there exists already today environmental and social issues and governance issues that fit within that definition of materiality that should already be part of those disclosures.

Rather than requiring some new framework or new obligation to disclose, it's about saying actually you should already be providing information that is material and that necessarily shouldn't exclude ENS issues.

Well, the reason I was asking healthcare because let's say Suma company is doing everything from a regulatory perspective but then, who's to say if depending on your morals or your ethics does healthcare fit into a space like that?

So then, I'm using that as an example because, how do we decide what ethically or morally these companies fit into that category, what if I don't think climate change is a big deal, right?

Disclosure isn't about ethics and morals, right?

It's about providing valuable information to the market.

Then it's on to the users to determine their preferences, and many investors would sort of look at this as a, what's financially materials what I want to focus on.

And then it's on the investor to make that case.

And if there are specific segments of the market that have a particular moral or ethical view or preference, they can build that into their portfolios.

But by and large, that's not what's driving ESG.

It's the investor at the end of the day, that's going to decide whether or not they think that you fit into that category if they're buying or selling it.

And is it just Millennials that are interested in this segment, or is it more broad than just that?

I certainly think it's  broader.

I mean certainly the trend didn't start with the millennial generation, right?

I mean I think it's the largest institutional investors in the world that have been leading this, right?

And now you have a certain client base that is reflective of shifting consumer preferences across the board, not just in investments all sorts of things where they're trying to be more focused and align their consumer choices with their individual values.

You'll see that in the Investment space.

But ultimately again, what's going to change behavior in the markets is not a moral or ethical dimension and compulsion, it's about the financially relevant environmental essential issues.

Well, let's get some forward-looking thoughts moving into 2019 over the next 5-10 years, what you focus on?

What do you think the landscape is gonna look like, is it gonna that focus come back to data?

Yeah, I think it does come back today I think you'll find more harmonization, more unification of different frameworks.

I think you'll find different frameworks partnering together and working together at least correlating if not actually combining.

So, I think that the landscape will become less cluttered.

I think though some of these standards will rise to the top and they will actually become default standards for the reporting industry.

And maybe they become written into rules, maybe they come part of the accounting standards, maybe not.

But at least it'll get more formalized, and I think that to Tony's point earlier because of a broadening out in the investor perspective.

I think there's been a slight broadening out of the fiduciary responsibility perspective also.

So that's why I think it's not just Millennials as people in companies that are sort of coming to a better understanding of the sources of value, long-term value for the company.

Besides, what we've talked about for 50 years.

Right, and Alec, I’ll have to ask you the same question is well from both of your perspectives, what do you think the industry is going to look like?

I think it's gonna be much much larger, both in terms of the number of people that are dedicated to following these trends day to day, and also in terms of assets under management that are benchmark to ESG oriented strategy.

I think it's just sort of up and to the right pretty much across the board.

And things like government regulation will mandate the disclosure of certain data sets.

It'll allow investors to screen every company in an index across that one metric.

Like, for example, carbon pricing.

Once that happens every cut that's immediately material to Tony's point.

It's financially material and every company will have to disclose that, and it'll be very easy to do a screen of who's scoring well, who's scoring below-average, etc.

So, all of these things, I think are gonna be increasing the adoption.

And then obviously, as a baseline, technology really enables a lot of it.

I think the climate change aspect really drives a lot of it.

And those two forces I think our technology is only gonna get better, climate change, unfortunately, I think is also here to stay.

So I think those are kind of two macro forces that, it's hard to see, and this doing anything but sort of forge forward over time.

All right, in Tony final thoughts.

Yeah, I think there's been a constant search for consensus around definitions and standards.

Not necessarily from a disclosure point of view because I agree with Evans point on where that's kind of going more in a sort of investor approaches.

And sort of what is or isn't sustainable investment.

Personally, I think we've been you know in the 14 plus years, I've been doing this that's been a constant theme.

I don't think there we're gonna reach that and I kind of think it's the wrong question to search and answer for.

I think scale will define that in large part in terms of the largest asset owners asset managers and the strategies that they follow will sort of define some of those approaches that become a bit more standardized for ESG integration.

And I think one of them that certainly, I would expect from a index and passive perspective is being able to build some of these characteristics into the way that you would construct a benchmark, either for the purposes of traditional measurement tool or passive implementation.

Alright I’ll be interested to see how ESG evolves over the next five to ten years for sure.

Thank you very much for joining us at market sight and thank you for joining me.

I'm Jill Melandrino, Global Market Reporter at Nasdaq.
我是Jill Malandrino,"納斯達克"的全球市場記者

Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. Nasdaq TradeTalks: Growing Influence in ESG Investing . The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns.

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