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Apple's massive, glitzy new headquarters

Apple's massive, glitzy new headquarters

Apple's massive, glitzy new headquarters

We've seen these, 

These office parks with lots of buildings and they get pretty boring pretty fast. So we'd like to do something better than that, we've come up with a design that puts 12,000 people in one building

That was late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs in 2011 making his last public appearance at a Cupertino City Council hearing for Apples proposed new corporate campus.
已故的蘋果公司聯合創始人之一Steve Jobs在2011年為了蘋果最新企業園區案最後一次公開出席庫比蒂諾的理事會議

A few weeks ago, The doors of Jobs’ dream corporate headquarters opened for some of the employees, but this is no run-of-the-mill office building.

Some say the massive complex looks like a giant spaceship just landed in Silicon Valley. 

Back channel editor in chief Steven Levy got an exclusive invite to tour Apples’ glitzy new digs and writes about it in this month's issue of Wired Magazine. 
總編輯Steven Levy利用非正規途徑獲取獨家資格來參觀蘋果最新酷炫的工作場所並將在這個月的"連線"雜誌內容與大家分享

Steven, good morning. 

Good morning. 

Uh, Steve Jobs called it the best office building in the world, is it?
Steve Jobs稱它為史上最好的辦公大樓,是嗎? 

It’s a spectacular building, but I think time's going to tell whether it's the best office building in the world.

Certainly every inch of it is designed to the max and people know they're in something special. 

But I think it's going to take quite a while and see how people work in it. Yeah. Before you figure out whether it’s actually the best.

There's a lot of people, I mean 12,000, that's an incredible amount of people.

That's a lot of people. 

Apple was spread out all over, uh, Cupertino, which is the third headquarter city and Steve Jobs’ hometown. 
蘋果總公司分散各地,第三總部位於庫比蒂諾城市也是Steve Jobs的家鄉

And they're very excited to bring the people together. Uh, they think that they're all gonna run into each other, walking around the cloisters in this or conference in this massive ring. 

Tell us about your experience when you walk through the doors for the first time.

Right, when you first encounter the building, it really is massive. 

And you know, we went in a jeep into the construction site. 

They were just still completing the construction when in March when I visited a few times.

And, uh, you go through this, this tunnel, it looked like what the, how in the Lincoln tunnel must look like when it was new, it's gleaming and beautiful and they use circle the building there, there's a road around that. 

Um, and it's almost like orbiting a planet go around because it has these giant glass walls, these panels that are curved and you circle around that. 

But interestingly when you're inside the building, you don't get that overwhelming feeling of scale.

It's actually more serene probably because the glass walls on either side and it's never too wide at any point, it's a ring and you really feel the what's going on outside and you get full light. 

Um, and the building's really mend so you can get a sense of what it's like outside your sort of partly in nature. 

So, uh, how involved was Jobs actually in the design? 

He was really deeply involved in it and it's amazing that this is the last two years of his life. 

He spent a considerable amount of time planning this thing. 

So the architects told me, we go for all day meetings with him and they were afraid to leave to go to the bathroom because you know, he, he would just come up more details and more things exactly the way he wanted it. 

The innovations don't end with the walls. There innovations inside. I read somewhere that Apple even designed a new pizza box for some of its employees here. What's that all about?

That's right. 

Uh, yeah. Everything door handles, sprinklers funds the elevators in this case. Um, you know, uh, the fellow that Steve Jobs hired to run the cafes, they are, we hired from his favorite restaurant. 
門把、自動噴水滅火裝置又或是像現在這樣,Steve Jobs從他最喜歡的餐廳聘請一群員工來經營咖啡館

A pattern need a pizza box. He invented a pizza box, which is actually quite clever. 

Yeah. It's round. It's got the holes to steam. Yeah. Got a little raised thing in the bottom is the cross doesn't get, you know…...

I hope it’s a good pizza. 

Actually. It's pretty good. 

What are some of the perks, the 12,000 employees can expect in this place? 

Well, there's probably the most spectacular fitness and wellness center you've ever seen. 

It makes the equinox looked like Rocky’s Gym.

Um you know, they've got a two story yoga room with stone imported from this query in Kansas. 

That brings up a good point, that other people on the outside of Maine, which 
is, isn't this exhibit a bit excessive? 

Apple’s view is that if they are surrounded by this excellence, they will build products that, that achieved that same excellence.

Well, I'm going to go to the CVS cafeteria and checkout our triangular cardboard side, cardboard pizza boxes to see…... 

Steven Levy, thanks for your time. 
Steven Levy,謝謝你的參與

Thank you.

Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. Apple's massive, glitzy new headquarters . The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns.

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