ESG Academy

Paradise Papers: How tax havens work and why they are a problem

Paradise Papers: How tax havens work and why they are a problem

Paradise Papers: How tax havens work and why they are a problem

The paradise papers are the latest document leaked to reveal how thousands of Canadians keep money offshore and how this problem is growing.
The paradise papers是最新洩露的文件,揭示了數千名加拿大人如何將資金留在海外以及這個問題如何發展。

Now, other leaks have shown how the wealthy use tax havens to avoid paying taxes, what this one shows is the extent to which Canada has become a major player in this game.

So, what are tax havens and why are they a particular problem for Canada?

Here's a quick run-through on how they help people avoid paying tax.

If you want to move your money abroad, you have to have someone set up a company or a trust pay someone to act as the director or trustee in that country, though they're usually a little more than a name on a paper.

Then, you can start to move your money into an account.

And while your money is offshore, it can grow and there are ways to put off having to pay any taxes on it here in Canada and it's all perfectly legal.

There's a lot of places you can choose to do this.

There are more than 60 tax havens around the world including Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Guernsey and a lot of tiny islands in the Caribbean.

Because in addition to sandy beaches places like Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, they all have very very attractive tax deals with Canada.

Canada doesn't officially track the amount of money it is parked offshore, but there's an estimated $250 billion dollars in Canadian money in tax havens and that's just the money that's there legally.

And all that money is costing Canadian taxpayers a lot.

A conservative estimate suggests that Canada loses about 6 billion dollars in tax revenue every year because the tax havens.

Just to give you an idea, that's enough for 200,000 new childcare spaces, 650 safe drinking water systems on First Nations reserves, 18 Super Hornet fighter jets.

To be clear, that's money that could become into Canada in-taxes if it wasn't so easy to avoid paying those taxes by keeping it offshore.

But it's not always done legally, because these tax havens have very strict secrecy laws.

Those laws can be used for illicit ends, which is why they can be used to launder money, hide money from say your spouse, or conceal illegal activities because it can be hard to tell what money's yours and where it came from.

So, why hasn't Canada crack down on the rules that allow this to happen? A good question.

Some politicians have tried to make the rules tougher.

But instead of cracking down, Canada's made it in some ways easier to avoid tax this way.

Since 2009, Ottawa signed deals with two dozen tax havens including the Cayman Islands, Liechtenstein and the Isle of Man.

These deals are designed to compel those countries to share more information about Canadians who have accounts and money there, so less secrecy.

But in exchange, they actually make it easier for Canadian companies to set up there and bring home the profits tax-free. 

And you're probably not surprised to know since those deals were first put in place, the use of tax havens has exploded.


Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. Paradise Papers: How tax havens work and why they are a problem . The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns.

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