ESG Academy

The IUCN Red List- Guiding Conservation for 50 years

The IUCN Red List- Guiding Conservation for 50 years

The IUCN Red List- Guiding Conservation for 50 years

The IUCN Red List is the world’s most comprehensive information source on threatened species, their status, and their links to livelihoods.
IUCN 紅色名單是世界上最完整的瀕危物種信息來源,它們的狀況以及它們的族群生計。

More than a list, it’s actually a barometer of life measuring many of the threats faced by the species.

From the IUCN Red List, we can find out whether species is being over hunted, whether it’s protected by international law, and whether it’s important for human livelihoods.

It will tell you if by logical traits, such as slow reproductive rate, makes this species susceptible to overharvesting, and whether its restricted winged makes it vulnerable to climate change.

As a filmmaker and photographer specializing in threatened species in habitat, I consider the IUCN Red LIst to be important resource to guiding my work.
作為一名專注於棲息地瀕危物種的電影製作人和攝影師,我認為IUCN Red LIst是引導我工作方向的重要資源。

i have personally had the great pleasure of seeing and photographing many of the listed species on my various assignments.

The IUCN red list is an incredible useful tool used by many decision makers including governments.

NGO’s、scientific institution、and the private sector.

For example it is use to guild scientific research inform policy and conservation planning and improve decision making to protect the natural resource on which we all depend 

more than 70000 species have been assessed so far. and the results are disturbing.

with many species group facing a high risk of extinction. 

41 percent of amphibians, 25 percents of mammals. 

13percent of birds, 35 percent of warm water reef building corals.

63 percent of cycads and 34 percent of conifers are threatened.

The IUCN red list in is compiled and managed by a networked of more than 8000 species experts from around the world.

each year more assessment are added continually improving our knowledge of life on earth.

our target is to assess a total of 160000 by the year 2020.

Help us make the IUCN red list a more complete barometer of life, help us save threatened species around the world.

we cannot do this without your support.

Please join us.

Visit to make a contribution.


Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. The IUCN Red List- Guiding Conservation for 50 years The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns

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