ESG Academy

Committed to a Conflict Free Supply Chain Intel

Committed to a Conflict Free Supply Chain Intel

Committed to a Conflict Free Supply Chain Intel

Have you thought about how your devices are made?

Many of the materials come from mines in the democratic republic of the Congo.

Where people are threatened by armed groups that earn millions trading minerals. 

Intel made a commitment to change that.

By helping create a global system that tags and tracks minerals to ensure they've been responsibly sourced, help miners and their family in Congo. 

Know what’s inside the devises you buy, choose conflict free.


Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. Committed to a Conflict Free Supply Chain Intel . The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns.

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