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MSCI ESG Trends 2019
2019 ESG trends to watch
Waste: the other trade war.
廢棄物: 另一種的貿易戰
“Unless we take action, there will be more plastic [in the ocean] than fish by 2050.”- UN environmental programme.
The global trade war in waist marches on, plastic on the front lines.
The conflict was sparked by China's decision to stop accepting plastics and 23 other kinds of solid waste starting in 2018.But the trash had to go somewhere.Increased imports of trash
By June of 2018 plastic trash imports had increased significantly.Meanwhile some trash exporting countries moved to curb ways of production.
340% increase in earnings calls mentioning “plastic waste” in 2018 VS. 2017
Companies have noticed as evidenced by increased prominence and shareholder conversations.
Percentage of companies exposed to plastic-related rubbbish.
The fast food chain soft drinks and packaging sectors could be affected of course.But also less obvious ones including agricultural products and office services and supplies.
Companies providing innovative waste reduction solutions have already seen increased revenue.More winners and losers will emerge.
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