ESG Academy
# ESG Investing # Publicly Traded Company

Nasdaq ESG Testimonial: Karsten Lauritzen (2)

Nasdaq ESG Testimonial: Karsten Lauritzen (2)

Nasdaq ESG Testimonial: Karsten Lauritzen (2)

How is sustainable investing changing the way we invest?

It's investment with a much larger time frame so you have to look at your investments and and revenue not on the next quarter, on the next year, but what would you gain in the next five and the next ten years.
這是一項具有更長時間框架的投資。 因此,您不能只著眼於未來一季,或是一年;而是要看接下來的五年或十年中您會獲得什麼。

And if you choose and, to be honest, it's also a choice you have to make as an investor, as a company.

But if you choose to believe in the sustain, it is sustainable development goals, and then I think there's the opportunity create a win-win situation.

But on the short run, you have to invest for in the long run to take time, the positive profit off of your investment.

And when it comes to the stds, you have to have a longer range for fund investment than in ordinary average business.

How is Nasdaq addressing investors’ needs when it comes to ESG strategy today?

To bring politicians and policy makers, consumers together with the financial markets and  companies and starting that discussion is what's Nasdaq is doing.
將政治家和政策制定者,消費者與金融市場和公司聯繫在一起。 而開始這一連串的討論是納斯達克正在做的事情。

And I think if you don't see, you know a private financial discussion about this, you will end up having politicians adapting laws that will force companies to go into this.

And that's not a win-win, that's probably going to be a lose-lose.

So I think also  Nasdaq is a front-runner on starting discussion.

I think it's very very positive. 

Copyright Announcement: The above videos are  from the official Youtube channel of the organization. Nasdaq ESG Testimonial: Karsten Lauritzen The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns

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