ESG Academy
# Branding # ESG Investing # SDGs

聯合國以饒舌音樂詮釋 SDGs 17項目標 中文字幕版


紅色廣告 Red advertising® 2020特別企劃「為我們星球而做的歌 SDGs 專案」(Sing a song for our planet , Sustainable Development Goals campaign , SDGs Campaign)的最高核心價值之一,用華人音樂,再次感動世界。


即刻行動 SDGs 17 Goals Tack Action > 


Copyright Announcement: The above videos are from the official Youtube channel of the organization.The Global Goals  .The videos we selected are all publicly available on the official channel, and we do not own the copyright of these videos. Our work on Chinese translation for this film is free for the 1.2 billion audiences in Mandarin Chinese around the world to watch and learn SDGs and SROI advertising campaigns.

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